Ooops! Forgot to post about the Spring patch!

Sorry guys! I posted about this on Facebook but forgot to post on our OFFICIAL WEBSITE that the Spring patch is out. Life has been pretty crazy here on the homefront, but we are pressing on with all the energy we can muster! We did manage to get the next Visions patch live the last week of February. The special events are removed so you can experience something resembling normal gameplay.


Check out the new merchants! We have a lot of new merchants with new items. We’ve attempted to remove all the pet nets from the ground because you can buy them from a merchant now. We may have missed a few so if you still find a free one grab it while you can because we’re removing them all as we find them! The new merchants help expand what we can do in the game world and also set up the stage for us to be able to create more advanced features like pets, and different colored horses, and other things like that.

In the next patch we hope to have Carpentry working, so you will be able to use those logs you’ve been collecting to make something useful! All these features are building up to player housing and gameplay more consistent with the original intent of the design. We’re not there yet, but with every patch we’re getting a little bit closer. Thank you for your continued interest in Visions! If you’re looking for a way to support our efforts we have a few options for you.

  1. Make a one time contribution of $30 and download the game client to log in and play.
  2. Become an Active Supporter with a monthly donation of $50 or more and get a real ancient Roman coin along with your access to the Visions client.
  3. Become an Affiliate Sponsor when you choose one of these website or in-game options for your business, church Youth Group, club, organization, or personal Memorial.

You can connect with the Visions game community on our Facebook page also. News about emergency patch events, and other random things that aren’t quite blog-worthy (but still interesting), or that are very momentarily relevant are posted there. You can also see pictures we’ve uploaded in the past in the photo archives on that page.


Please donate to help us create Visions for you.

Thank you for helping us! Please note, all donations are non-refundable and non-tax deductible.  If you would like to make a donation through your business as a marketing expense, please visit our Affiliate Sponsor page where you can choose from various marketing packages. Please consult with your tax professional for specific information about using marketing expenses as a tax deduction. We are not tax specialists.
Jesus was not a fool
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